What Is Bee Pollen And Why You Should Have It Every Day

These days bee pollen is often referred to as a ‘superfood’. It is a popular addition to many healthy food items including our 70% dark chocolate. Both bee pollen and bee propolis are collected from plants by bees and used in various ways in their hives. Read on to find out why bee pollen is good for you and why you should include it to your daily diet.

Bee pollen contains essential amino acids

We, humans, can benefit from bee pollen as it contains a large amount of the essential amino acids which are needed for vital processes like the building of proteins and synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters. Bee pollen also contains important vitamins and flavonoids.

Bee pollen is believed to be anti-aging, anti-stress and to provide energy

Traditionally bee pollen is used as part of anti-aging, anti-stress and energy formulas. According to research papers, Olympic athletes have been known to turn to bee pollen to help improve their performance. Given that these are elite sportspeople, they might have something here.

Bee pollen is high in antioxidants, so it may well be that it does help with reducing the signs of aging. Certainly many rejuvenating face creams contain bee pollen, bee propolis or royal jelly, which reinforces this idea. It is widely thought that when added to creams, bee pollen can reduce the appearance of age pigments or ‘liver spots’ which can be an outward indication of decline in brain function.

Because of its full house of B-vitamins, bee pollen is great at beating stress. It offers an option for natural calm and is also a natural allergy defence. It has been suggested that it offers relief from hay fever, which is just what sufferers of seasonal rhinitis were waiting to hear. The idea of eating local honey to beat hay fever symptoms may not be so far off the mark when you consider that being exposed to local germs can give you immunity. It is an anti-inflammatory, after all.

As far as those Olympic athletes are concerned, bee pollen is thought to increase red blood cells and hence the availability of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin carries oxygen, which encourages metabolism and therefore boosts energy. It also contains all of those amino acids mentioned earlier, which help human athletes perform at their best.

There is also some evidence that bee pollen promotes healing. This is likely to help not just elite athletes but runners and hospital patients too.

Could bee pollen reduce the effects of ionising radiation?

Interestingly, bee pollen also appears to be able to reduce the effects of ionising radiation on the brain. This may or may not be good news to those undergoing radiotherapy, but may well be welcome to patients who have to be frequently exposed to ionising radiation to treat an unrelated issue.

Bee pollen has a comprehensive and complete nutrient list

With an enviable array of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants, bee pollen has a great footprint. It is not a complete food for a human, but it has most of the best parts of the ideal human food. Bee pollen is likely to be a benefit when added to just about anything. 

Bee pollen boosts liver health

Bee pollen plays a role in maintaining the health of your liver. The fact that it’s an anti-inflammatory is good for many areas of the human anatomy, including your liver.

Bee pollen strengthens your immune system

You can strengthen your immune system with bee pollen. It hinders the growth of mast cells, so hence why it’s also effective against hay fever, because mast cells are instrumental in many allergies.

Bee pollen against the menopause

Anything that helps ease the widely felt issues associated with menopause has to be a good thing. Apparently bee pollen balances out hormonal fluctuations felt by peri-menopausal and menopausal women. However, caution is advised because this same positive effect in older women may cause hormonal imbalances in younger females.

Bee pollen is a useful compound which can alleviate some things whilst enhancing others. As with every supplement, you should show caution and moderation, and if you experience any negative effects, you should seek the advice of medical professionals.


Organic raw chocolate with bee pollen

Our twist on the classic dark chocolate is to mix organic 70% dark chocolate with bourbon vanilla and bee pollen, which in itself has a list of health benefits a mile long and is often called a superfood. It contains no dairy, gluten or soy, and is safe for anyone with those allergies. So there you have it – no excuses not to enjoy a square or two of dark chocolate.

Click here to buy a bar of Organic Raw Chocolate with Bee Pollen

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